Maximise your network with AFAP

Maximise your network with AFAP

Why Join AFAP for Networking

By joining AFAP, you become part of a community that supports and promotes its member. You also contribute to the growth and development of African. AFAP is more than just an organization; it is a movement that empowers you to achieve your goals and dreams.
Some membership benefits
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Helping Members Find New Career Opportunities After Job Loss

The Alliance for Africa Professionals (AFAP) is an organization that provides support and resources to African professionals throughout their careers. One of the most valuable benefits of AFAP membership is the organization’s job placement assistance program.

become a member of AFAP

The Alliance for African Professionals (AFAP) is a global network of African professionals dedicated to connecting, supporting, and empowering each other to achieve their career goals and make a positive impact on Africa and the world.

We are glad you are interested in joining our community. To register, please click on the link below to fill out the form with your name, email, and password.

To confirm your membership, please check your email and click on the link you received from us. Log into your account using your username and password.

You have successfully signed up for an account and can now access all the features and benefits of AFAP. Complete your profile and add a photo of yourself.